LEGO Creator Family Villa Building Kit

Awesome LEGO Train Sets

LEGO trains (or "L-Gauge") have been choo chooing along since the first one was introduced back in 1966. Over the years there have been hundreds of trains, locomotives, train stations, signal houses, track-side buildings and other train-related LEGO sets released. The theme is popular among adult LEGO fans...

4 Small LEGO Creator 3-in-1 Vehicle Sets

Creator sets from LEGO typically focus on construction and creativity rather than strictly playability. They range from large buildings to elaborate animals to smaller vehicle sets like these. These affordable LEGO Creator sets are sub-100 pices and all come with instructions to make three different vehicles.

Awesome Expert LEGO Maersk Line Container Ship

Check out this awesome collectible Maersk Line Container Ship LEGO building set, first introduced in January 2014. This is a retired expert set that is becoming hard to find -- get it now while you still can!

LEGO Creator Expert Carousel Building Kit

This is a totally awesome LEGO building set from the Creator series. It's another fun theme park or fairground attraction -- a moving carousel or merry-go-round. The expert level kit includes 2670 pieces to create a fun and authentic attraction.